My house shall be called a house of prayer for...
Mark 11:17

The School of Intercession Global Ministries is an Apostolic & Prophetic Training Center that functions to train and equip believers in the areas of prayer, prophetic intercession and worship, deliverance and spiritual warfare.
SOI is not only a school, but also an apostolic and prophetic training center mandate to carry, release and/or established the ministries of the Lord. The global vision of SOI is to equip and build strong militant leaders of pure (Intercessors, Apostles, Prophets, Pastors, Teachers, Evangelists and Worshippers) of the Lord to move in the Might and Spirit of Yahweh to fulfill their end-time destiny in Yeshua. We are located at 1926 1st Commercial in Southaven, Mississippi.
Service TIMES

"Where intercessors are birth and the prophetic is stirred!"
I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people
I Timothy 2:1

Meet Our Leaders
Apostle Terence & Prophetess Rasheda Davis
Apostle Terence Davis is devoted to his assignment "of breaking curses" off of generations and bloodlines through the blood of Jesus and the power of prayer. He begins his journey in the kingdom of God in 2001, as the Holy Spirit accelerated him into this mighty man of prayer that he has become today. It's indeed dangerous to have the word of the Lord come forth out of this vessel as he targets the kingdom of darkness. It is also so amazing how the Father saved Terence and his wife in the same year, same month, and only three days apart. Terence carries the assignment to not only break curses, but to see the church flow in unity to fulfill Ephesians 4:11-12 requirements. Terence feels a need to set "cities" on fire through the power of fasting and prayer to see unity among the believers and bloodlines of families totally restored as Yahweh desires.
Prophetess Rasheda Davis is aimed and devoted with the passion to train, equip and bring understanding to individuals in the area of prayer, spiritual warfare, deliverance and prophetic intercession. She was first called to the ministry of intercession in 2003, as the Holy Spirit trained and equipped her to know the strategies of warfare. Rasheda has learned through "trial and error", the importance of walking in humility as a clean and faithful worshipper, which indeed brings glory to the Father. Rasheda stands strongly on Psalms 24:3-4, of the importance of having clean hands and a pure heart prior to interceding for others and the nations. This preparation has prepared Rasheda to develop as a STRONG DELIVERANCE MINISTER WHO IS KNOWN FOR SLAYING & CASTING OUT DEMONS along with flowing in God's prophetic mantle/office. Rasheda has also worked as a Prayer Agent for CBN (700 Club) in Nashville, TN. She has gained much ground in seeing the captives set free and families restored! She is also an anointed book author of "Keys to Open the Heaven ." This book is known for unlocking cities and regions towards repentance and flowing in pure intercession. Terence and Rasheda have over 17 years of experience in Kingdom ministry in spiritual warfare, prophetic intercession and deliverance.
Terence and Rasheda truly believes it's by God's design that He joined them as husband and wife for the work of the Lord. The Father has uniquely equipped and joined them as one to function as a tag team ministry. This beloved couple has six children [Apostle Terence is the 2nd dad of] (Jay (26), [Prophetess Rasheda is the 2nd mom of] Terence Jr. (24), Rhashad (22), Jeremiah (17), and the twins Ashley and Amos (16). They rejoice in the Lord for the ministry of Jesus Christ (Yeshua) entrusted to them and their bloodline for generations to come. They are under the Apostolic Covering of their Spiritual Parents Apostle Larry & Prophetess Iliana Pratcher (TBOC Ministries) in Memphis, Tennessee.

On your walls, O Jerusalem, I have set watchmen; all the day and all the night they shall never be silent. You who put the Lord in remembrance, take no rest,
Isaiah 62:2

Resume April 2025 - Prayer School
Download the SOI Curriculum Guide and check back for class availability
events/Click rsvp

for "How to Become Financially Free Seminar"- It's a "Free" Event!
Individuals, Families, Churches, Non-profit Organizations, Entrepreneur's & More can benefit from this workshop!

Class/Course Available:
CLASS/COURSE: "01 Discernment & The Seer's Anointing".
Click the Image or enrollment tab to register for this class. Courses are free! This class will be available July 14th, 21st, 28th & August 4th 2024. Please purchase the book, "The School of the Seer Expanded Edition" by Jonathan Welton.
There are some classes/courses that will be In-Person Classroom and/or online.
Course titles and dates will be posted on the website. Check back!

Join SOI Prayer Talk Show in our Live Audience to hear our guest panel speak on topics that will shape your mindset and life for the Better in the Lord.
Don't miss your time of engagement and meeting destiny changers.

"I mean this. When two of you get together on anything at all on earth and make a prayer of it, my Father in heaven goes into action."
- Matthew 18:20 MSG
Have a prayer request? Want to let us know how God is working in your life? Want to follow-up and let us know how your prayers have been answered? Please fill out this form and it will be directed to people who will pray for you.
PRAYER & worship Sunday's service In PERSON @ 2:30 Pm cst